founder (n): someone who gets pissed off enough about a problem they think they can solve to do something about it – thanks for an awesome event @GreyNoiseIO!
If we had our budget cut we would turn off someone else in favor of GreyNoise – probably Mandiant or Recorded Future. We could not get the same answers in the same amount of time anywhere else.
@Andrew___Morris I just love @GreyNoiseIO :) Got some IP which was scanning/looking for specific URI. Took it to GreyNoise got the URIs IP was looking for. Just a click on web path provided me with the list of other crawlers scanning the same.
One of the few good things about being in quarantine is all the AMAZING features coming out from tools I know & love. @GreyNoiseIO is no exception, check this out...
If you love a sense of purpose in a business, I'd highly encourage folks to listen to @Andrew___Morris talk about @GreyNoiseIO on the @RecordedFuture podcast...Great team and succinctly defined mission in the security space.
In the context of how we use – which is to reduce workload for our clients – there is no tool we use to reduce our workload like GreyNoise. It's the most valuable tool we have.
Our analysts estimate that they are saving 8 hours a week each using your tool, largely in a manual fashion for now. The false positive reduction has proved to be invaluable to us.
Thank you @Andrew___Morris and @GreyNoiseIO for helping make the @VZDBIR a success. The data was immensely helpful and we are incredibly grateful for your willingness to help!