Words != Numbers

Computers don’t understand words. They don’t understand verbs, nouns, prepositions, or even adjectives. They kinda understand conjunctions (and/or/not), but not really. Computers understand numbers.

To make computers do things with words, you have to make them numbers. Welcome to the wild world of text embedding!

In this blog I want to teach you about text embedding, why it’s useful, and a couple ways to do it yourself to make your pet project just a little bit better or get a new idea off the ground. I’ll also describe how we’re using it at GreyNoise.

Use Cases

With LLMs in the mix, modern use cases of text embedding are all over the place.

  • Can’t fit all your text into a context window? Try embedding and searching the relevant parts.
  • Working on sentiment analysis? Try to build a classifier on embedded text
  • Looking to find similar texts? Create a search index on embedded values
  • Want to build a recommendation system? Figure out how things are similar without building a classification model

In all of these, we’re encoding a piece of text into a numerical vector in order to do basic machine learning tasks against it, such as nearest neighbors or classification. If you’ve been paying attention in class, this is just feature engineering, but it’s unsupervised and on unstructured data, which has previously been a really hard problem.

How to method 1: Cheat mode

Lots of large models will offer sentence level embedding APIs. One of the most popular ones is OpenAI https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/embeddings. It doesn’t cost a ton, probably under $100 for most data sets, but you’re dependent on the latency of external API calls and the whims of another company. Plus, since it’s a GPT model it is based on the encoding of the last word in your text (with the cumulative words before it), that doesn’t feel as cohesive as what I’m going to suggest next. (This is foreshadowing a BERT vs GPT discussion)

How to method 2: Build your own

Side quest: GPT vs BERT

GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It is built to predict the next word in a sequence, and then the next word, and then the next word. Alternately, BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. It is built to predict any word within a set piece of text. 

The little bit of difference between them, because they both use Transformers, is where they mask data while training. During the training process a piece of the text is masked, or obscured, from the model and the model is asked to predict it. When the model gets it right, hooray! When the model gets it wrong, booo! These actions either reinforce or change the weights of the neural network to hopefully better predict in the future. 

GPT models only mask the last word in a sequence. They are trying to learn and predict that word. This makes them generative. If your sequence is “The cat jumped” it might predict “over”. Then your sequence would be “The cat jumped over” and it might predict “the”, then “dog”, etc. 

BERT models mask random words in the sequence, so they are taking the entire sequence and trying to figure out the word based on what came before and after (bidirectional!!!). For this point, I believe they are better for text embedding. Note, the biggest GPT models are orders of magnitude bigger than the biggest BERT models because there is more money in generation than encoding/translation, so it is possible GPT4 does a better job at generic sentence encoding than a home grown BERT, but let's all collectively stick it to the man and build our own, it’s easy.

Figure 1: BERT based masking
Figure 2: GPT based masking

Main quest: Building a text encoder

If your data is perhaps not just basic English text data, building your own encoder and model might be the right decision. For GreyNoise, we have a ton of HTTP payloads that don’t exactly follow typical English language syntax. For this point, we decided to build our own payload model and wanted to share the knowledge.

There are two parts of a LLM. The same parts you’ll see in HuggingFace models (https://huggingface.co/models) and everywhere else. A Tokenizer and a Model. 


The tokenizer takes your input text and translates it to a base numerical representation. You can train a tokenizer to learn vocabulary directly from your dataset or use the one attached to a pre-trained model. If you are training a model from scratch you might as well train a tokenizer (it takes minutes), but if you are using a pre-trained model you should stick with the one attached. 

Tokens are approximately words, but if a word is over 4-5 characters it might get broken up. “Fire” and “fly” could each be one token, but “firefly” would be broken into 2 tokens. This is why you might often hear that tokens are “about ¾ of a word”, it’s an average of word to token. Once you have a tokenizer it can translate a text into integers representing the index of the tokenizer set.

“The cat jumped over” -> 456, 234, 452, 8003

Later, supposing we have a model, if you have the output 8003, 456, 234, 452 (I reordered on purpose) you could translate that back to “over the cat jumped”

The tokenizer is the translation of a numeric representation to a word (or partial word) representation. 


With a tokenizer, we can pass numerical data to a model and get numerical data out, and then re-encode that to text data.

We could discuss the models, but others have done that before (https://huggingface.co/blog/bert-101) All of these LLM models are beasts. They have basic (kinda) components, but they have a lot of them, which makes for hundreds of millions to billions of parameters. For 98% of people, you want to know what it does, the pitfalls, and how to use it without knowing the inner workings of how transformer layers are connected to embedding, softmax, and other layers. We’re going to leave that to another discussion. We’ll focus on what it takes to train and get a usable output.

The models can be initialized with basic configs and trained with easy prompts. Thanks to the folks at Huggingface (you the real MVP!). For this we are going to use a RoBERTa model (https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/model_doc/roberta). You could use a pre-trained model and fine-tune it, however, we’re just going to use the config and build the whole model from random/scratch. A very similar workflow is usable if you want to use a pre-trained model and tokenizer though. I promise I won’t judge.


Import or copy the code from model training gist

Create your own list of text you want to train the encoder and model on. It should be at least 100k samples.

If you have created your data set as `str_data` and set a model path as a folder where you want to save the model and tokenizer, you can just do:

tokenizer = create_tokenizer(model_path, str_data[0:50000]) ## you don’t really need more than 50k to train the tokenizer
model = create_model_from_scratch(model_path, tokenizer)

This will create the tokenizer and model. The tokenizer is usable at this state. The model is just random untrained garbage though.

When you’re ready for the first train, get into the habit of loading the tokenizer and model you created and training it, this is what people call “checkpoints”.

tokenizer = RobertaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_path, max_len=512)
model = RobertaForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(model_path)
model = train_model(tokenizer, model, model_path, str_data[0:100000]) ## train on however much you want at a time, there is a whole other discussion about this, but give it at least 100k samples.

When you want to retrain or further train, which at this point is also called fine-tuning, just load it up and go again with new or the same data. Nobody is your boss and nobody really knows what is best right here.

Note: You’re going to want to use GPUs for training. Google Colab and Huggingface Notebooks have some free options. All in, this particular model will require 9-10GB of GPU memory, easily attainable by commodity hardware.


Large Language Models do not have a great list of sanity checks. Ironically most benchmarks are against other LLMs. For embeddings we can do a little better to work toward your personal model. When you take two samples that you think are similar and run them through the model to get the embeddings, you can calculate how far they are apart with either cosine or Euclidean distance. This gives you a sanity check of if your model is performing as expected or just off the rails.

For Euclidean distance use:

import numpy as np

euclidean_dist = np.linalg.norm(embedding1 - embedding2)

For cosine distance use:

from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity

cos_sim = cosine_similarity(embedding1.reshape(1, -1), embedding2.reshape(1, -1))

How We’re Using it at GreyNoise

We’re early adopters of LLM tech at GreyNoise, but it is hard to put it in the hands of users responsibly. We basically don’t want to F up. We have an upcoming feature called NoiseGPT that takes natural language text and turns it into GNQL queries. Begone the days of learning a new syntax for just figuring out what the hell is going on. 

We also have an in-development feature called Sift, a way to tease out the new traffic on the internet and describe it for users. This would take the hundreds of thousands of http payloads we see every day and reduce it to the ~15 new and relevant ones and also describe what they are doing. EAP coming on that soon. 

Plus, if you think of any great ideas we should be doing, please hit us up. We have a community slack and my email is below. We want to hear from you. 


With these tips I hope you’re able to create your own LLM for your projects or at least appreciate those that do. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to daniel@greynoise.io, give GreyNoise a try (https://viz.greynoise.io/), and look out for features using these techniques in the very near future.

This article is a summary of the full, in-depth version on the GreyNoise Labs blog.
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